
Simple installation with conda for Linux/OSX/WSL

CONSTAX is a command line tool. You will need to open and run commands in a terminal to use it. Windows users can install WSL to use CONSTAX or custom install on their machine.

CONSTAX comes in a conda package that contains all the dependencies needed to run the software and can be easily installed as showed below.

conda install constax -c bioconda

If conda is not installed (you get an error which might include command not found), follow their instructions to install it. Briefly:

  1. Download the correct installation for your system, and run it.

  • Miniconda installation commands:

  1. Follow the prompts.

  2. Close and reopen terminal.

  3. Try the command conda list.

  4. Proceed to installing CONSTAX as above.

Custom installation of USEARCH

If you want to use USEARCH which is a proprietary, instead of VSEARCH, you will have to install it yourself and generate a pathfile.txt to specify the binary location. Please see the tutorial sections.


    • USEARCH installation from drive5

    gunzip usearch11.0.667_i86linux32.gz